Tuesday, May 20, 2008

competition is coming~


i haven't visited our blog for quite a while. it's holidays for me now! =) our concert and competition are on 7 and 24 July. that's only 2 months away.. challenging pieces, lots of instruments to borrow again, lots of players needed again. hopefully we'll do a great job!

anyway, hope everyone is doing well in school or NS or work or wherever! =)



Unknown said...

The headlight thing is a "padiddle". A paradiddle is a drumming
technique you can use to build up your speed & agility with the
sticks. Start with the left hand and alternate with each syllable
like this, L-R-L-L ("par-a-di-dle") and then you'll notice that
when you start over, you'll start with the right hand: R-L-R-R
("par-a-di-dle") Keep alternating, starting slowly & building up
your speed. If you goof, slow down & build back up.

paradiddle book
paradiddle exercises

Unknown said...

The paradiddle families and variations can be combined
in lots of interesting ways to achieve different effects,
whether on a single snare drum, multiple tenor drums,
or a drum set.or a drum set.

paradiddle book
paradiddle exercises